Sunday, September 25, 2011

Criminales de GUERRA!

Miguel and I attended an American wedding yesterday. After dinner the guests could  have their photos taken in the photo booth. I LOVED IT. Miguel said he hated it, but he appears to me to be smiling in every photo, doesn't he!

Miguel y yo fuimos ayer a nuestra primera boda en América. Depués de cenar, los invitados sacaron su foto en un kiosko. ME ENCANTÓ y a Miguel no le gustó la idea pero parece que está sonriendo en cada foto, ¿no?.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Make my day punk

As of recent Topeka Kansas has been terrorized by home burglaries. The buglers are very bold and do not seem to care if the occupants of the homes are inside , asleep  or away. If that is not enough people AND their dogs have been shot during the invasions. This photo makes me laugh.... and I surely hope the low life burglars are at least educated enough to read.

My nephew the KING

Here in the United States we have our American Football. In our high schools we have our HOMECOMING GAME. Sometimes there is a parade before the game and always there is a school dance after the game. During halftime the Homecoming King and Queen are announced and crowned. Last year my nephew Ty was crowned King and this year my nephew Wesley is Da' King. I wish you could see his fancy purple velvet crown!! Congratulations Wesley!!!.

Aquí en los Estados Unidos jugamos al fútbol americano. En nuestros institutos tenemos un partido que es el más importante del año y se llama Homecoming Game. A veces hay un desfile antes del partido y siempre hay un baile después del partido. Durante el descanso el rey y la reina del partido son anunciados y coronados y este es un honor muy importante. El año pasado mi sobrino Ty fue coronado rey y este año su hermano Wesley, mi otro sobrino fue coronado rey. ¡Felicidades Wesley!