Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Buena dia!
I have been wanting to start blogging again and the list of excuses go on forever. I believe that I did not post anything of my last summer in Asturias and I am getting ready to go again... time does fly!
Mig and I have an incredibly busy summer planned. We are taking a tour group to Paris for a week and then Mig and half the group will head north to Normandy and I will escort my half of group back to good ole Kansas. Two weeks later Mig and I will head East over the Atlantic again for my sister in law's wedding in Asturias.
Weddings are big big big in Spain and I am currently looking around for a gown that will pack easily and wear comfortably. Oh yeah and make me look like a size 9 instead of a 16/18...
I got pictures galore and I can not wait to be back in touch with my old blogger buddies.
This picture was taken at Semana Negra in Gijon Asturias. Octopus and a mojito.... oh yeah

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