Saturday, August 18, 2007

"El Che"

This is an image of "El Che Guevara". It is very common to see images like these and Communist symbols since the Communist Party is part of the political life in Spain. There are actually some Communist Bars where you can have things such as homemade Mojitos and Cuban rum (Extremely Illegal in the United States). Regarding "El Che", I highly recommend the movie "Motorcycle Diaries" that presents the life of Ernesto Che Guevara before meeting Fidel Castro and starting the Cuban Revolution. Whatever your opinion may be about Cuba and the Revolution, this movie is definitely worth seeing.


The Passionate Palate said...

Nice to see the spirit of Che is alive and well. Spain also gets the best selection of Cuban cigars outside of Cuba! Yet another reason to visit Spain. Your posts make me long to go.

MommaBoo said...

I've seen the movie. Very powerful.

I would love to visit Spain.

qualcosa di bello said...

jannis...that is one of my favorite movies (a great pre-controversy look at Che).

i am loving your blog & i feel for your longing of where you belong!