Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas in Kansas

We are still stranded in our homes today. In fact today is worse than yesterday and we have another storm heading in from the Rocky Mountains. My husband is the perfect person to be stuck with.... Miguel searched through our "Spanish stash", and pulled out a bottle of Asturian Anis. Its a very versatile liquor. Besides adding it to cafe con leche its wonderful in pound cakes, pancakes, crepes and straight up! I love days like today, We have food, we have drink, Miguel is playing Leonard Cohen andNino Bravo on the stereo the kids are upstairs content with their x-box 360, my home is cozy warm and pretty with the Christmas lights and candles. I am still homesick for the holidays in Asturias but its nice here too! Besos......


Anonymous said...

Now there's a man who knows how to prepare for a storm ;)

Karina said...

Glad you are enjoying the warmth of home and family (and a drink too) while it is so cold outside!