Today like every day is hot. I hate the heat. Collin asked me yesterday if we could move to Canada, he also hates the heat. Its a long trip to the Ocean when you live in Kansas. It takes 3 days to drive to the Pacific Ocean, at least 2 or more to drive to the Atlantic Ocean and no idea how long it takes to drive to the Gulf. Last night I dreamt I was walking on the beach looking for sea glass.... I took this photo in Llanes, Asturias. As soon as I win the lottery I plan on buying a house in Llanes!
I started this blog in 2007 with the intention of showing my Spanish friends what my American life is like...and it evolved into sharing with Americans what my life in Spain is about. I love my life!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Mi Familia
Dinner at (casa mi tia) my aunts house! My aunts speciality is cooking huge amounts of food for mass quantity's of hungry people in a tiny kitchen. AND she does it with a beaming smile on her face! A typical Sunday gathering starts with one of my uncles pouring cider for everyone that wants it. We all visit while we drink a few bottles, and some might walk up the mountain a ways to check on the progress of the kiwis, lemons, grapes, apples, pear or peach trees. The more adventurous might go to the top to bring back eucalyptus leaves. Everyone scrambles to find a chair as my aunts start bringing plates to the table. Red wine is poured and some might mix it with coca-cola. Plan on sitting for at least 3 hours, it takes a long time to eat all this food. If you don't save room for desert, coffee and liquors.... that's just to bad! What is all this food you ask? Bread, corizo cooked in cider, spanish tortilla, croquettes, jamon, empanada, shrimp, calamari, russian salad, and squid......maybe more but at this point it doesn't really matter anymore! Sometime into the night we walk down the mountain, past the bars where the cider is being poured and conversation is lively,through town to Miguel's parents home.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Mi Amor!
I am in love!!! He licks my toes, kisses my ear, nuzzles my neck (basically everything my husband doesn't do.) We got a dog finally after seven years and not just any dog... but the perfect dog! His name is Raphael (Rafael in España). He is a West Highland Terrier and eight weeks old. Everybody loves him...but the cat! The very first day we got Raphael the cat sat under the table and hissed at him every time he came near, he even slapped him when he did get close! We are trying to make it up to the kitty by buying him expensive cat food. At least he hasn't moved out yet! Besos.....
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Mi Suegra
My mother-in- law (suegra) is a fantastic cook, and a fantastic person! I love her so much. Among her specialities are arroz con leche (rice pudding) & Asturian Fabada (bean stew.) Meals, especially lunch, are the best part of the day!! Lunch is served between 2 & 3 pm. Always red wine to drink and orange soda or casera to dilute the wine if you like. I always eat too much of the 1st course and then regret it when the 2nd course is served! In between are the salads and ham and cheese plates as well as the huge crusty chunks of bread served with every meal. This is the point that I start to feel really miserable..... and then desert is served! Maybe an almond cake, apple tart or a hazelnut confection. Followed by fresh fruit, yogurt and various cheeses, and finally very strong coffee and a shot of licor. Hazelnut, cherry , strawberry , coffee flavored, the variety is endless. Sometimes we eat in the back yard and that's always a treat to dine. under the lemon and hazelnut trees. Life is good.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Cabrales Cheese Caves
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Sotres, Asturias

One morning our cousins Jose Luis and Vicen drove over in their SUV and took us on a "little" day trip. We ended up driving through 3 states / regions before we got home . Our first stop was a lovely little family operated bar/general store for a late morning vermouth and a quick browse around the various cowbells, milking stools, dried name it! Stop two was Cabrales, an area known for the very famous blue cheese of the same name. The cheese is made and then aged in caves in the mountains, some wheels are wrapped in oak leaves while it ages. For all of you that have tried Cabrales Cheese you know that it is one strong cheese! Stop three that day was this lovely little village "Sotres" for Menu del Dia or menu of the day. My first course was spaghetti cabrales. Noodles with blue cheese! I was unsure about anything other than marinara sauce on my spaghetti noodles but I tried, I liked, and now I eat it at home in Kansas. If Miguel and I look really full in this photo its because we were!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
No More WAR
I love this photo so much that I framed it and it sits on top of my T.V. It translates: Damn all wars and the criminals who support them. 548 days on the Bush Countdown Clock, that I inherited from my friend Carrie when she moved to New Zealand last month. I wonder where her tax dollars are going now ............ (wow, 548 days is a long time!) I am so happy , Miguel is back from Las Vegas. Today we are going to visit my sister and her family and grill hamburgers and drink wine. I will take my camera just in case we see something interesting..... 
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Amigos de Veguin - Las Vegas
Saludos a todos "Los Amigos de Veguín" desde Las Vegas, Nevada. Esta es la ciudad de los casinos y del juego. Antes de regresar a Kansas este fin de semana decidí sacar unas fotos dedicadas a todos los "Amigos de Veguín" La próxima semana estaré en Portland, Oregon y sacaré más fotos que añadiré a este blog. Voy a intentar hacer mi misión el llevar el poster de "Amigos de Veguín" conmigo a todos mis viajes e intentar sacar fotos. Mañana he alquilado un coche e iré a visitar el ¨Hoover Dam¨ que es el mayor pantano / presa de los Estados Unidos y la nueva plataforma de cristal en el Gran Cañón del Colorado. Un saludo a toda la gente deVeguín. PD. Apretad en las fotos para verlas a un tamaño mayor. Miguel

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Spains fastfood is better!
Why is a fast food restaurant better in Spain? Very simple, cerveza! While we were in a mall it was inevitable that we would come across a McDonald's and decided to do a taste test comparison. After all I had a professional with me. (my 14 year old son) Tanners findings, the same. My findings....... MUCHO MEJOR! THEY SERVED BEER!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Tornado Drill

Its Monday 12:00 noon and that means it time for our cities weekly tornado siren test. Every Monday from April through September the sirens all over town are tested , it reminds me of a bomb raid. (not that I have ever been in a bomb raid) I can remember when I was a child in school and we would have our tornado drills, how I hated them! We would have to crouch down in the hallways and curl up into a very tight ball , while protecting our head with our arms and hands. Depending on the school you may do the curl-up under your desk for extra protection. Now I am a grown up and work in a school and we are still practicing tornado drills, and lock down drills ....... that's a story for later!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Miguel left early this morning for his week long conference in Las Vegas. I have been twice and its HOT! I am going to pick up a few hours at my part time job... (Applebees) I haven't worked there in 6 weeks... I hope I still have a job! Its soooo hot here, I hate it! Yesterday the kids went to the park nearby and just sat in the shade, as it was to hot to play. I promised to paint the boys bedrooms but I cant bring myself to do it. I am posting a pic from Covadonga, our best friend Fernando kindly drove us all up to the top. its a long way up! No way would I attempt to drive up OR down that mountain! Next time I go I am packing a picnic lunch.....and a coat! BESOS...
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Tudela Veguin Asturias
Echamos de menos a nuestros amigos y amigas de Veguín. Saludos para Carlos el químicu, Berto el Chispu, Chus, Minerva, Luis, Angelines, José, Pepín, Ana Belén, Ceci, Rafa, Ovi, Yoli, Nini, Eva, Blás, Gelín, Claudio y a todos los niños que hicieron que Tanner se sintiera en casa. Sentimos si se nos olvida algún nombre. Desde Kansas, mandamos un saludo para todos los veguinenses.
¡PUXA Asturias! ¡PUXA Veguin!
¡PUXA Asturias! ¡PUXA Veguin!
Friday, July 13, 2007
We got home at 2:00 this morning and I have to say that it felt wonderful to sleep in my own bed for the first time in over a month! It wasn't as hot as I expected but that's going to change soon, its forecasted to be 95 degrees all of next week. (35 Celsius) Tanner was happy to get home to his bedroom and his "stuff". Miguel leaves in 2 days for Las Vegas ,I"m glad its him and not me as I couldn't face one more airport for all the sidra in Asturias..... well that's not true. Id probably get back on a plane right now for ......... a case! We will post pictures in a day or 2. Besos.
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