I started this blog in 2007 with the intention of showing my Spanish friends what my American life is like...and it evolved into sharing with Americans what my life in Spain is about. I love my life!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Lost in Asturias

Spanish White Wine
My 2 favorite white wines are Albarino and Chardonnay. The Albarino grape is grown in a very small area of Northwest Spain and border of Portugal. Its not a cheap wine, because the grape is not abundant. The taste is slightly dry, floral and citrus. An average bottle in my part of the world is about 18.00 dollars. I have found this particular brand Salneval 2006 for 9.00 dollars a bottle. I guess I would give it a 85 or 86 rating. Its a decent wine.
I will show some of my favorite Chardonnays as well as my favorite Reds in a post soon. I warn you I have LOTS OF FAVORITES! I am sorry for the poor photo quality. My husband gave me this crappy digital camera, said something about it was the first digital camera ever made....
Saturday, December 29, 2007
I like this man!

Kansas is a back ass ward Republican state. I know one of our state senators , he is a nice enough guy , he tried to run for President.... but he is still a Republican. I laugh at all the farmers here that proudly claim to be Republican but yet are some of the largest welfare recipients in the state. Anyhooo I have been giving the candidates a lot of thought. I even wanted to like 2 guys in the republican party. I have always admired John McCain. A lot. But his support of Bush goes against everything I believe in. I like Rudy Giuliani, but not so much to give him my one and only vote. I travel to Europe every year and its not my imagination that every year the USA is disliked more and more.World relations are an important issue for me. I think a totally fresh start is in order. I think this man can do a lot to mend how the world feels about me.(and You). I say whatever to the naysayers that scoff he has no experience, Bush has no intelligence, clue, idea , brains...... Sadly I always seem to back the guy that never wins.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Its snowing. Again.
Another day another snowstorm. Raphael is having a hard time these days. He hasn't slept in two nights and he paces the house growling and barking. I can only attribute his behavior to him missing his "dad". It curious that he is upset because everybody knows that Raphael loves me the most!
Ps Miguel, enjoy the beautiful weather butthead.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Bloody Mary's , aged and grilled rib-eye steaks , baked potatoes, sweet potatoes, green salad and turtle cheesecake. My O My, am I ever content! All the cousins had a blast throwing snowballs, making snow angels and throwing each other into snow drifts. This is the gang sans Miguel . It wasn't the same without you mi amor. Everyone misses you but most of all I do. BESOS BESOS BESOS BESOS
Sunday, December 23, 2007
First day of Winter
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Hola and Hello to everybody......WOW what a week we have had here! It started with one winter storm after another after another. The weirdness escalated Tuesday morning when all the meteorologists started warning everyone to stock up on food, batteries, gas, prescription medicines etc... so after I got off work I stood in line at the supermarket with the rest of the state of Kansas and bought the last gallon of milk , last loaf of bread... etc etc. The storm came and the temperatures dropped and it was a long 48 hours of snapping tree branches, no electricity, no phones, and ice ice and more ice! My father is on day 3 without electricity and water.....no heat, no toilet nothing. It will probably be another 7 days at least before power is restored in his area. My sister is a nurse in one of the local hospitals and she went home to her kids tonight for the first time since Monday morning. ELECTRICITY IS A WONDERFUL THING! PS... I am really sick of winter already.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Christmas in Kansas
We are still stranded in our homes today. In fact today is worse than yesterday and we have another storm heading in from the Rocky Mountains. My husband is the perfect person to be stuck with.... Miguel searched through our "Spanish stash", and pulled out a bottle of Asturian Anis. Its a very versatile liquor. Besides adding it to cafe con leche its wonderful in pound cakes, pancakes, crepes and straight up! I love days like today, We have food, we have drink, Miguel is playing Leonard Cohen andNino Bravo on the stereo the kids are upstairs content with their x-box 360, my home is cozy warm and pretty with the Christmas lights and candles. I am still homesick for the holidays in Asturias but its nice here too! Besos......
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Mi perro, mi gato
Greetings from Topeka Kansas! I know it's been a while since I last posted, and I apologize to the three people that read this blog. My laziness started with a four day migraine and left me without a creative thought what-so-ever. I am stranded in my home today watching the freezing rain, snow and sleet from the comfort of my 68 degree living room. Mi amor Raphael is growing as you can see. Miguel has taught him to shake hands and his bathroom habits are improving. I did however catch him molesting my son's teddy bear. That was a bit horrifying! Besos to all......
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