Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My first Passover Sedar

This last Sunday I went to Temple and celebrated my first Passover Sedar and it was AWESOME! If there is food and wine involved I am going to enjoy! (and I did!) At the Sedar table we all read and sang from a book called the Passover Haggadah, it tells the story of the Exodus from Egypt. I find that I have no talent for reading Hebrew, but my hubby is pretty darn good. I loved the food and even more cool was the Kosher Wine from Israel that I drank. MMMMM it was quite tasty! I should add that Miguel and I are both Catholic and until a couple of months ago the most I knew about the Jewish Faith was what I saw on the movie Schindler's List. No kidding. I have met some wonderful and kind people at this Temple! (and would you believe it but most of them are Democrats hehehehehehe!) I feel right at home! Peace.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey girl, we're leading parallel lives. I just spent time in Israel and being a Midwest chic, my first run in with Jewish people was at the University of Illinois when I saw that they got their own sororities. I was like, um, where's the Catholic one!?? Anyway glad it was a good learning experience for you. Fascinating culture, eh? Ta for now ;-) A