Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mi amigos

Happy Mothers day to everyone in the Estados Unidos. (Féliz día de la madre). I waited tables this weekend and in the 7 years that I have been doing so I wish to report to the world that the economy absolutely sucks! Don't get me started.
Anyway on a happier note I went out last night with a group of friends and we had such a blast! We went to Lawrence Kansas, which is probably the coolest town in all of Kansas. We drank several bottles of good red Italian wine, laughed non stop, and ate like pigs. This photo is what Miguel and I shared. It was blackened octopus (pulpo) mussels (mejillones) and shrimp (gambas) underneath all this sea fare.... white beans and crunchy greens of a unknown origin. Afterwards we walked in the rain to a coffee shop where the men sat outside drinking tea, cognac and smoking smelly cigars, while us gals sat inside warm and dry. The men outside had a lot of entertainment as they witnessed a fight of several street people and were than entertained by a man that claimed to be a professional hobo and an ex-roommate to a man that was mountain climbing by himself and got his arm trapped between some huge boulders, and after several days freed himself by amputating his own arm with a pocket knife. Our men seemed to swallow his story..... maybe us gals were more sober!
By the way a special thank you to the assholes that I waited on today that stiffed me. You were a horrible hateful family and you all deserve each other!

1 comment:

Karina said...

Happy belated Mother's Day! Sorry that family stiffed you! Glad you had a lovely day anyway. That dinner looks delicious!!

By the way, I tagged you for a little meme.