Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Americans are sooo censored

Take a look at these short commercials from Spain. I havent had a good laugh out loud in a few days....this did it! DISCLAIMER: do not click on these links if you are a prude, uptight or one of those conservative types....http://youtube.com/watch?v=rdCZt4x6FzQ and http://youtube.com/watch?v=nK9TXwgXF-g I am still laughing!


Fernando said...

Sorry, Jannis, the first ad is Argentinian, not Spanish.I can tell because of the accent.

Gabriel said...

I agree, it's from Argentina. I happen to have the same accent... :-)

Karina said...

Argentinian, Spanish, whatever they are, they're freakin' hillarious either way! LOVE THEM!