My first visit to a European cemetery. Well for starters I had to walk UP a lot of stairs, so by the time I got to the top I was already sweating and breathing hard. Nobody had forewarned me about 2 things.... the stench and the flies. Damn! In the Estados Unidos it is considered bad manners to walk over a grave. We are taught very young to follow paths in front of the head stones. As my head spun and I tried to decide the bigger faux pax, passing out or throwing up....I made a split second decision, I ran for the exit. It took me 4 more years before I summoned the courage to visit again!
Karina from one of my favorite blogs Candid Karina tagged me for 5 things about me. Easy Peasy! #1 I am totally terrified of snakes. I killed a rattlesnake in my front yard once and days later my neighbor said she was watching me and thought I was having a seizure!
#2 I lived in Wichita Kansas during the reign of terror of the BTK serial killer. #3 My puppy eats his own poo AND the poo of the neighbor dog.#4 I was president of my sophomore class and went on to become a waitress.(albeit a darn good one!) When my husband asks me the correct way to pronounce an English word I get my jolly's by telling him the the other. EXAMPLE: "Jannis is a baby dog a puppy or a poopy?"........
Eww on the cemetery story! Yikes. I don't remember ever going to a cemetery when I was in Portugal, but I'm pretty sure there the cemeteries are a lot like the ones here in the U.S.
As to your answers...#1 made me laugh just imagining the scene. #2 Wow, really? I just watched a think on TV the other day about the BTK killer...wow... #3 at least he doesn't roll in it, my friend has had to give her dog two baths this week because her dog keeps getting into poo outside! #4 that's funny...evil, but funny. and...uh...where's #5?? ;-)
#4 was my success in the business world. I was president (of my class) and the guy that was vice president went on to become Secretary of State. I hear he is planning on running for Governor.
On a good day I CAN sell 3 or 4 sides of Queso Dip!
#5 was messing with my hubbys verbs & nouns
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