It is August and it is 102 degrees, that can only mean IT'S BACK TO SCHOOL! Yes , we do have air conditioning but the temperature is tightly regulated from someone somewhere whom I can guarantee is sitting at his desk drinking cold beer with his coat on(not really)Oh well, in several months it will be 10 degrees and we will ALL be in classrooms in coats. This year, every school entrance and school bus will display the NO GUNS ALLOWED HERE sign. Don't even think about packing punk! I have already experienced one all school lock down in my school and one in my youngest sons school. Both were handled very professionally by the administrations. WAY BACK WHEN I was in Jr. High and High school all the boys proudy displayed their shot guns and rifles on gun racks in the back window of their trucks. The more guns the bigger the stud you were ...During the winter months the boys would display the game that they shot on the way to school in the school parking lot.....and than a T-Rex would appear from the forest and eat one of the students....... those were the good ole days huh! Besos.
I still don't understand why you Americans start school in the hottest month of the year.Here everybody is still on vacation.Today is a holiday here and my last day at work until september.Tomorrow I'm flying to Malaga again.
Besos para todos
Wow, school starts early in your parts huh? Here in the New England area they don't start until September. It is sad that a "No Guns Allowed" sign is now part of the signs at schools...sign of our times, for sure.
Your T-Rex line had me laughing out loud.
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