Fiestas de Veguin
Veguin has two patron saints. San Julian de Box and San Sebastian de los puentes. I know nothing about these guys! I do know however that a pretty cool party is thrown in their honor. The party starts at the top of the mountain above Veguin, where those that gather play silly games , drink wine and cider and eat wonderful breads, cheeses and hams. When the sun starts to go behind the mountain the revelers walk down arm in arm singing behind the village band. Townspeople along the parade path throw water or wine on the party goers below. My favorite part is the end of the route where everyone is sprayed down with foam! Before the nighttime fiesta begins you will see hundreds of foam covered "mummies" heading home to take a shower and a nap so they can dance until dawn! (by the way if you look close at the woman on the balcony she is throwing water on a very happy crowd below) Puxa Veguin!
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