Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Winter War

Yesterday it was 9 degrees ( -13 Celsius) today we get the first snow of the season. More importantly, there is a war brewing within the walls of our home. Lets call it "The Battle of the Thermostat". Who will win this battle? First meet the waring parties... Mr. Tightwad & Ms. Blue Fingers.

Mr. Tightwad walks around the house constantly complaining of the future electric bill. He has an eagle eye and guards the little thermostat on the wall like its a safe holding his gold. By the way Mr. T is a grump and nobody likes him.

Ms. Blue-Fingers is getting a little bit old. She has paid her dues to mother nature just by living so many years in Kansas (aka Hell) She is sweet and kind but it is hard for her to be that way when she is blue and miserable. Ms. Blue will eventually prevail (around January) but until then it will remain cold within the walls of this home. In more ways than one.


Fernando said...

I definitely support Ms. Blue Fingers

Anonymous said...

I'm with Ms. Blue Fingers on this one.
Sending good vibes your way.

Karina said...

This made me laugh out loud. Good luck Ms. Blue Fingers, the battle of the thermostat is one of the many reasons I relish living alone.

Jannis said...

hmmmm mabye during the winter we need to live in seperate homes!