Isn't this postcard fantastic! When I was a little girl growing up on the great plains of Kansas, I would hear the word Spain and automatically think of flamenco, bull fights , mantillas (the high headpiece) and the word OLE! I never dreamed that a place like Asturias existed. When I am in Asturias I have at times to remind myself that I am in Spain. Asturias probably shares more traditions with Ireland and Scotland than with the rest of Spain. For instance the bagpipe is the national instrument, cider is the "official " drink, red heads and blonds with green eyes are as common as they are here in the U.S. If you like Celtic music you will feel right at home here! Puxa Asturias!
Is that guy in the corner pouring wine over his head? It is a cool postcard though, but I can't stop looking at him and trying to figure that out...
Thats funny! Actually he is pouring sidra.It must be held and poured from above your head. I will post more pictures. They have huge cider pouring competitions. Its a lot harder then it looks.
I love Spain too! I read your post on She who blogs. I've been to Oviedo a few times, and to Gijon. Love that sidra with sheep cheese! Great memories. How wonderful you keep going back and cultivating your friendships. I'll be back to visit more of your site.
Hasta pronto,
Great postcard! When we were hiking in Asutrias I kept thinking of Switzerland also. It is so beautiful there!
Hi, I have just discovered your blog and...I love it !!!!!!!!! It's amazing that you, an American, like Asturias so much...I can feel it: the way you write, your expressions...very nice :-)
I'm from Asturias (asturiana) but live in Germany and as you, I also miss it a lot !!!! Especially the sea and the fabada, "parrochina", seafood....Thank you for your blog and, please, keep on writing and showing pictures...you make me miss Asturias a bit less this way ;-) Best wishes, Mary O
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