I like this graffiti. It translates " Organize yourself and fight! " ok ..... why cant we organize and fight for affordable health care? I just don't get it..... Did you know that Spaniards do not pay a dime to go to the doctor? Doctors in Spain make house calls (for free) they don't want sick people in their waiting rooms making everybody else sicker! If a Spaniards needs a new organ (liver, heart, double lung etc...) they don't have to pay the first 100,000 in cash up front. They just get one. Yes you guessed it, for free. A prescription that cost me 240.00 dollars a month in the United States cost me 2.00 euros in Spain. Oh yeah I should be truthful here and tell you that the 2.00 euros I had to pay was full price. Widows and retired people get their medicines free!
Hi Jannis! Interesting stuff about healthcare. Isn't the European mindset just so different? I think its the way to go. But I do question the quality of the healthcare they receive and the taxes they incur. You should live there, figure it out, then come back and consult the politicians! Hope your diet is going fab and hey--Hillary is still in the game! I can't wait to see what happens.
The quality of Spanish healthcare is good enough.The only problem might be accesibility, sometimes you have to wait too long for surgery or to visit a consultant.And yes we do have more taxes, but that's why we receive free healthcare.By the way, we only pay 40% of the price for prescription drugs.
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