Sunday, September 23, 2007

Veguin, Asturias, España

Next to my husbands house is this tiny park. My son and his friends spent a lot of time talking and spitting endless bags of sunflower seeds here. I have sat here in the evenings to watch the sun set on the mountain side. But mostly I have viewed countless dogs poop here from my bedroom window. The structure on the left is a memorial to 4 miners from Veguin that lost their lives in the coal mine during the early 80's. The structure on the right is a replica of a Asturian Horreo pronounced Oreo, like the cookie. A horreo is a barn, the top used to store grains free from rodents and the bottom used to store everything else. I will post pictures of real horreos next time.


Anonymous said...

hola se quien eres te acuerdas del canal del irc hispano #veguin pues soy daniel el hijo de mariajesus la dueña de aquella el bar la venta y nieto de lucita y arturo.. veo que conozes a minerva hermana de noel crespo lopez ese era un colega mio si sabes como puedo ponerme en contacto con el seria perfecto ahora vivo en valencia... bueno visita mi pagina y escucha mis temas haber que te parecen, mi direccion de contacto... y mi salu2

qualcosa di bello said...

jannis...i love how you share everyday pieces of where your heart lives!

Kerith Collins said...

please...take me with you next summer!